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We are huge fans of products that offer great utility, usability, durability, and performance. You'll find most of the products we carry at Topanga Creek meet the above criteria, especially when it comes to adventure and outdoor gear.

Snow Peak is one of those brands that make us excited about camping and being outdoors. Founded in 1958 in the Niigata Prefecture of Japan, Snow Peak has decades of experience producing high-quality camping gear that are made to last a long time. From all types of burners/stoves to titanium utensils, Snow Peak will take your camping experience to the next level. Available at Topanga Creek now.

Some of our favorite Snow Peak products

  • Home & Camp Burner

    The Home & Camp Burner is a camping stove hybrid. The unit folds down for convenient storage with a sleek, sophisticated silhouette designed to complement any kitchen aesthetic. Open the unit through a quick, four-step setup, revealing a stable burner with an auto-ignitor and adjustable knob for advanced flame control.

  • Flat Burner

    The Flat Burner is a single burner camping stove. The Flat Burner features a stable base for cooking with larger pots, and is also compatible with the Iron Grill Table System. To use, attach a GigaPower Fuel canister and click the auto-igniter.

  • Folding Torch

    With its compact design and wooden handle, the GigaPower Folding Torch is an essential tool for starting a fire or igniting a charcoal barbeque. To use, unfold the torch, screw on a canister of iso-butane GigaPower fuel, turn the knob to release gas, and ignite. The torch has a powerful flame that will light even the dampest firewood.

  • Field Barista Coffee Grinder

    Modeled after professional barista equipment and made of stainless steel, the Field Barista Coffee Grinder features an adjustable ceramic burr and produces a variety of coffee grounds. Take it camping or use at home for fresh coffee. Place coffee beans in the top container and turn the handle to grind. After use, the Field Barista Coffee Grinder can be folded into a carry case for compact storage.

  • Ti-Mini Solo Combo

    Crafted from durable Japanese titanium, the Ti-Mini Solo is an ultralight cookset. The Ti-Mini Solo includes a cup and pot that nest inside each other for compact storage. The pot is large enough to store two canisters of 110-G fuel and features a silicon tab so the lid can be removed without a hot pad.

  • Titanium French Press

    The Titanium French Press is made of Japanese titanium using a historic manufacturing process. The French Press offers an elevated coffee experience, whether at home or in nature. Single-wall titanium can be set directly over a heat source to boil water, simplifying the coffee-making process.

  • Collapsible Coffee Drip

    Made of enduring stainless steel, the Collapsible Coffee Drip was inspired by traditional pour-over coffee set-ups. The cone-shaped drip accommodates finer grounds and is compatible with both Chemex and Hario V60 filters. The Collapsible Coffee Drip ensures a delicious cup whether brewing at home or outdoors. Fold it flat for easy storage when not in use.

  • Titanium Spork

    Designed in Japan using a historic manufacturing process, the Titanium Spork has been an icon since its launch. Durable, lightweight, and versatile, use the spork anywhere, whether you’re eating at home or outside. The Titanium Spork is available in blue, purple, and green anodized titanium.

  • Ti-Single 600 Cup

    Made of durable and ultralight titanium, the Ti-Single 600 is a large, single-wall mug. The mug can be used for coffee, or fit a freeze-dried meal or GigaPower Fuel. The Ti-Single 600 can be used directly over a heat source for cooking and features foldable handles for easy packing.

  • Ozen Solo Table

    Made of lightweight aluminum, the Ozen Solo Table is a small rugged backpacking table. Use the Ozen Solo Table to keep food off the ground or as a small cooking surface. The Ozen Solo Table folds down flat and easily fits in a standard pack.