We took off after the shop closed on Tuesday and met up with our buddies from Team BK / Polerstuff for UnPredict Your Wednesday camping at Bandido Group Camp in the Los Angeles National Forest. A great time had by all.
- Billy and Caleb now love to go mountain biking thanks to UnPredict Your Wednesday
- Jay on the ride.
- Poler weekend with biking, Frisbee, camping, bacon and beer. The best.
- It was warm mid day and Rover needed a good rest after his run.
- Jay with his new evening wear.
- One happy pup.
- We had a super ride on Wednesday
- Rover Road Trips are the best.
- Camping at its finest.
- Camping plus bike rides
- While the Hummer is not the most PC vehicle in the world, the bikes on it are.
- Campfires are the best.
- Billy relaxed while Caleb prepared some photo shoots.
- We ate like kings.
- We were treated to a terrific sunset on our drive to Bandido Group Camp
- Burgers for dinner.
- He needs his coffee before he gets going in the morning.
- This is one relaxed dog.
- Frisbee game at the campground.
- Billy relaxing on the hammock
- Caleb makes the best old school coffee around.
- We camped at Bandido Group Camp
- Fun times.