Calendar photo…
Photos from this week.
Thanks for the donuts Lawrence. A Rohloff build. Starts with Pivot gone bikepacking.
Paper boat races at the creek
Our creek does not run very often and we wanted to get full use out of it. We made paper boats after the Saturday ride and went down to the creek for a race. Hilarious and super fun time.
Random Shop photos from the past couple weeks.
Saturday Ride photos
Such a blast in the Spring in Topanga. Flowers and green are everywhere.
UnPredict Your Wednesday
We took off around 2 PM on Tuesday to UnPredict and made our way to Ojai via Chatsworth and the train to Ventura. A late evening storm sent us for cover under the picnic pavillion. The sunny morning coffee time was nice and we had plenty of firewood because Chris had staged wood the previous weekend. It was a blast. A final downpour for an hour just made us laugh outloud as we headed back.