Chris stopped and talked to Jay about a new single speed. Classic styling and design for getting around. Here is Chris on his his new Surly Steamroller. A very fun custom build for everyone.
Chris stopped and talked to Jay about a new single speed. Classic styling and design for getting around. Here is Chris on his his new Surly Steamroller. A very fun custom build for everyone.
If you think everyone up in Topanga is just tie dying t-shirts all day and don’t take too much of life too seriously, you are right.
A little bikepacking moment with snow capped mountains in the back ground.
Alex during his performance art. Alex showed up a the outpost during his performance art project and joined us spontaneously for UnPredict Your Wednesday.
Warming ourselves up with a campfire.
We rode in the dark to our UnPredict Your Wednesday camping on Mount Wilson to the Mnt Lowe campground
Pausing for a few shots of the LA basin during our night ride to the camp site.
Alex made himself a nice sandwich at the camp site.
Alex is doing performance art. Every day he rolls one die and it decides what direction he bike packs that day.
Lawrence made his coffee in his bivvy to stay as warm as possible. It was a cold night for sure.
Recognizing that bears where probably not going to join us, Chris still hung his food from a tree. Just in case.
Late night dark ride to the campsite.
Alex read some poetry and prose during breakfast.
Chris has a subscription for Latino coffee and brought some with him on the trip to Mount Lowe.
Alex is doing a performance art project bikepacking for 49 days. Every hour during the sunlight he takes a photo in every direction with his compass.
The Mount Lowe trail is fun every time. A tiny climb at night and then downhill to the campsite makes it a great starter bikepacking event.
You just can not have enough abandoned tunnels on a bikepacking trip.
Part of Alex’s performance art project is rolling a die each day to find out what direction he is going. He rolled a 3 which meant he went East.
A quick morning stop to Inspiration Point was a good way to start the short ride back.
The trail as seen from Chris’s handle bars.
Stopping at 11 AM for the hourly photons
Feodor has been riding his road bike around the Santa Monica Mountains and stopping by the Outpost for a while, and after getting the itch to get a mountain bike, he smoothed talked his significant other into allowing him to get another bike. Lucky guy. Here he is with his new Surly Karate Monkey. Check out the front suspension fork, sweet!
James stopped by for a bike and the Surly Karate Monkey made a lot of sense after a couple bike rides. James wants to ride on some trails and join in on some adventures. Everyone was stoked for his new wheels. READY TO RIDE.
The shop….. the outpost…..welcome to Topanga…
Volar Socks anyone?
Mugs made from Rogue Journeymen available at Topanga Creek Outpost.
Michele visits and plays some guitar.
Nice to have a bridge on the property.
Chris working on some Rogue Journeymen wrist bands.
Gregory stopped by the Outpost a week ago and wanted a new touring / adventure bike. We outfitted him with a Surly Long Haul Trucker for his commute and adventures. He picked up his bike today and here he is with his new bike. The Surly Long Haul is such a great bike.