This gallery contains 56 photos.
This gallery contains 56 photos.
This gallery contains 7 photos.
We have been working on leather tote bags. Here is a quick video on the process. We make the bags completely from scratch in our cabin in Topanga. First we press out the leather from the hides, measure , glue … Continue reading
This gallery contains 13 photos.
This gallery contains 8 photos.
We make a whole slew of gear and here are some examples of small projects lately.
This gallery contains 18 photos.
We took a quick trip across Catalina Island and camped at Blackjack and Parsons Landing. We started the adventure in Avalon and finished in Two Harbors. As usual Jules made incredible meals.
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Dave (previous mechanics and dear friend) visited for the weekend in Topanga and we had so much fun riding up to Red Rock. It was super hot and probably ridiculous and amazing. Saturday was so much fun with post ride … Continue reading
This gallery contains 50 photos.
By Maxwell Lehrich The hour I touched down in Los Angeles California, was the same hour I would be preparing for what would soon be my first bikepacking trip. I arrived at Topanga Creek Outpost, we immediately looked through Chris’s … Continue reading
This gallery contains 129 photos.
We regularly go bikepacking from our shop Topanga Creek Outpost and have been able to ride with a lot of people with a whole slew of different set ups. We also find ourselves chatting with people curious about bikepacking who fear they don’t have the right gear or want to know what we recommend. Because no two people are the same the answer varies for as many people as live on the planet with a bikepacking plan. Continue reading