Saturday, November 3rd. We will do a ride from the shop at 8 AM. Please show up a bit earlier because we have to be back in 2- 2 1/2 hours to open the shop. The weather has been great and the groups have been large. As usual we will probably split into various ability groups. Fall is in the air! As a note for the winter- please make sure to check the weather forecast for the Saturday ride. If, by noon on Friday there is over a 25% chance of rain predicted for Saturday the ride will be cancelled. Also, please check our Facebook page on Saturday morning for any last minute cancellations. If it is misty or rainy in the canyon we won’t ride. The weather in the canyon can be very different from the basin so please make sure to check. Please also park on the shop side of Topanga.

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Topanga Creek Bicycles

1273 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd.

Topanga, California90290

Friendly Service

Convenient Location

(310) 455-2111

(424) 272-1273 voicemail
(310) 455-1451 fax

Nick walked over to the shop and rode home with his Strommer. Part of BMC. Electric Assist Bike. One of our absolute favorite rides at Interbike in fact. When Nick asked us about it, our eyes lit up because his bike is so much fun.

Nick walked over to the shop and rode home with his Strommer. Part of BMC. Electric Assist Bike. One of our absolute favorite rides at Interbike in fact. When Nick asked us about it, our eyes lit up because his bike is so much fun.