Category Archives: Uncategorized
We wanted to have a fun visual representation of where our customers come from so we put up a world map and visitors can stick a pin in the city that they’re visiting us from. First pin: Delhi, India!
Need directions for a biking adventure? Our new sign points in (roughly) the right direction for you.
Nice evening for a ride.
Nick’s BMC Trailfox got stolen recently (very sad) so he stopped by for a replacement and fell in love with the BMC Speedfox (very happy). Christian was so excited he usurped the gnome’s throne.
Ken celebrated his birthday by picking up a Surly Krampus, then the bearded creature frowned and said “put me down.” He left with the bike instead. Happy birthday Ken!
Chris putting the final touches on his pour over coffee contraption…stay tuned for a video of it in action. We can’t wait to see how great it will work with 10 Speed Coffee. Mmmm
This gallery contains 4 photos.