Directions to camping this weekend…
GPS Info. (Latitude, Longitude):
34.22333, -116.975
34°13’24″N, 116°58’30″W
From San Bernardino, take I-10 east to Running Springs. Continue on Highway 18 to Big Bear Lake Dam, but do not cross the dam. Go 3 miles and turn right on Tulip Lane. Turn right on Mill Creek Road (Forest Road 2N10) and continue about 2 miles. Turn on Forest Road 2N10B and travel a short distance to the campground.

GPS Info. (Latitude, Longitude):
34.22333, -116.975
34°13’24″N, 116°58’30″W
From San Bernardino, take I-10 east to Running Springs. Continue on Highway 18 to Big Bear Lake Dam, but do not cross the dam. Go 3 miles and turn right on Tulip Lane. Turn right on Mill Creek Road (Forest Road 2N10) and continue about 2 miles. Turn on Forest Road 2N10B and travel a short distance to the campground.